Automated Treatment System
The Customer
A manufacturer of gas and fluid measurement instrumentation required repair or replacement of their existing wastewater treatment system.
The Problem
The company's existing wastewater treatment system was a conventional metal precipitation system, containing a clarifier and microfiltration (membrane) process. Due to the age of the system and lack of a full-time operator, the customer did not consistently meet discharge permit limits for chromium, nickel and zinc.
The ProChem Solution
Through evaluation, including treatability studies of the various industrial waste streams from the plant, ProChem confirmed the feasibility of a system that utilized particle filtration, metal-specific ion-exchange, and membrane filtration. The metal specific resins were regenerated by ProChem at our permitted, metal-specific ion-exchange facility, and the customer assumed responsibility for changing filters and monitoring chemical volumes for the pH adjustment process.
The Win
ProChem removed and decontaminated the existing wastewater equipment prior to the installation of the new metal-specific ion-exchange equipment. The new system treats up to 10,000 gallons per day of metal-laden wastewaters. The customer received the following additional benefits:
- An automated treatment system requiring minimal operator interaction.
- The elimination of wastewater treatment sludge.
- Success in consistently meeting discharge permit limits