ProChem Batch System Brings Compliance to Medical Facility
The Customer
A medical facility who was adding an air pollution control system for their medical waste incinerator that would introduce TS and heavy metals into their wastewater.
The Problem
The facility needed a wastewater treatment system in order to meet discharge permit compliance for the blowdown effluent from their new air pollution control system.
The ProChem Solution
After completing the water analysis and assessing the facility’s production goals, ProChem, Inc. offered a new wastewater treatment system. The new system is a batch treatment system, featuring ProChem physical/chemical treatment and filtration technology.
This system is equipped with local monitoring and automation controls, requiring minimal operator interaction.
With this ProChem system in place, the facility is experiencing 100% discharge permit compliance.
The Win
- 100% discharge permit compliance
- Ease of operation through system automation